Projects > Curatorial Work III

Lee Littlefield: Beyond the Bayou
Lee Littlefield: Beyond the Bayou

Co-Curated with Patrick Flaherty.

Littlefield’s sculpture is influenced by Texas and Louisiana bayous. His interest in the relationship between the natural world of bayous and the natural materials harvested from the bayous help shape and form the vegetal, floweresque, insect-like imagery of his sculptures. Littlefield’s outdoor sculptures are tall, twisted, curvy and have heads that are on the wild side and are brightly colored to attract viewers to them. Their surreal color schemes attract, but spikes and barbs prohibit touch.

Installation view from Beyond the Bayou, ArtsPark, Indianapolis Art Center, Indianapolis, IN, June 7, 2013 – August 4, 2013. Photo: Lisa K. Fett 2013.